June 26, 1994 D I R M A N (c) Copyright Ron Weiner 1993-94 Dirman is shareware. You are free to try this program without cost or obligation for a reasonable period of time (30 days?). Then if you decide to continue using it, you are obligated (at least morally) to send $15.00 to: Ron Weiner 11 Canal Road Levittown, PA 19057 Your contribution will assure you a peaceful night sleep for years to come. Otherwise the dreaded demons of the night will shriek into your bedroom at the stroke of midnight ruining your sleep, eventually taking over your mind, and making you do nauseating things with food. Since the consequences of your actions could be great, I recommend you choose carefully. I will also provide you with the registered version of the program, which allows you to work with more files and bigger files, and provides additional commands and features. The registered version also turns off all of the beg screens. P U R P O S E Dirman is a file and directory manager. Dirman incorporates the program Viewman, which is a file viewer that allows you to browse through the contents of a file. This program was written to enhance my productivity at work. Every day I have to deal with plain text files that are downloaded from our suppliers. I have discovered after many years that these files contain only two kinds of information, absolutely critical and totally useless. The trick has always been to figure out which one is which. My personal PC environment at the office is Windows 3.1 on a 486DX/33 with 16mb of ram. Even with this kind of horsepower, Windows just plain sucks for handling text files. It takes a lifetime to open a file, printing is a nightmare, and proportional type faces screw up the formatting beyond belief. I was tired of writing macros for Word and Excel just to be able to work with these files and started this project at home in my spare time. The first version of this program went to the office a year ago. Since then, it has turned into a weekend time killer as I have continued to find ways to enhance its capabilities. At this point, I feel the program is mature enough to be unleashed (perhaps foisted is a better word) on the public at large. Dirman is available in two versions. If you haven't registered, you have the shareware version that allows a maximum 100 files per directory and allows perusing the first 6,400 lines of a file in Viewman. The unregistered version also has a nasty habit of begging for money. Sorry! If you have registered your copy, then you can work with directories that contain up to 1,024 files and view files with up to 64,000 lines. The registered version also includes several advanced functions. Except these minor differences, the programs function identically. L E G A L D O G M A I am NOT responsible for anything. I assume NO responsibility for any damage or loss caused by the use of this program, no matter what! This program can erase files from your disk. If you choose to use this program you assume total responsibility for everything. Should you choose to register Dirman, I assume you are doing so having tested the shareware version and ascertained that it's suitable for your requirements. I can not provide refunds should you subsequently change your mind. H O W T O Assuming Dirman is installed in a subdirectory which is in your path (this a good idea) or you are in the sub directory where Dirman resides, type DM and hit the key. After pleading for $$$'s, you should see a screen similar to the one below. ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» Directory of C:\AFTERDRK ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» .. 2-18-92 10:56p ---- º DIRMAN º ADMODULE SDK 2-18-92 10:56p ---- º Directory Manager V1.00u º BITMAPS 2-18-92 10:56p ---- º (c) JUNE 1993 Ron Weiner º SOUNDS 12-01-92 7:07a ---- ÇÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ ST_RES 12-01-92 7:09a ---- º C (C)opy º 3DBOUNCE AD 19264 2-20-91 1:51a A--- º D (D)elete º AD EXE 257440 12-01-92 7:11a A--- º M (M)ove º ADINIT EXE 1504 2-08-92 12:00a A--- º R (R)ename º ADLIFE AD 12320 9-04-91 8:13p A--- º K ma(K)e new directory º AD_AILAN DLL 5632 10-21-92 12:00a A--- º A Set (A)ttributes º AD_LIB DLL 7104 3-04-92 12:00a A--- º S Change (S)ort order º AD_MME DRV 16544 7-22-92 12:00a A--- º F Set (F)ilename mask º AD_MPT DRV 4096 2-19-92 12:00a A--- º V Change dri(V)e º AD_NET EXE 27136 2-23-92 12:00a A--- º * Re-read directory º AD_NVLNW DLL 7168 10-21-92 12:00a A--- º SPACE Tag & Untag files º AD_SB DRV 18752 7-22-92 12:00a A--- º ENTER Change Dir/View File º AFTERDRK NSS 7168 2-29-92 12:00a A--- º ESC Exit to Original dir º AQUA AD 103296 2-20-91 1:51a A--- º Q Exit to Selected dir º ATTRACT AD 25824 6-20-93 12:00a A--- ÇÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ BBOARD AD 77360 6-07-93 12:00a A--- º Use: Up Down PgUp PgDn º BOGGLINS AD 186048 6-02-93 12:00a A--- º ^Home ^End Home End º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ 91 File(s) 5,442,893 bytes used 537,460,736 Bytes free ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ Names that start with the up or down symbols are sub directories. Files are displayed almost exactly the same as the DOS DIR command displays them. First is the 8 character Filename, the three character filename Extension, the file size, and the date and time the file was last modified. The next four characters are the attributes for the file. In DOS, a file can have any combination of four attributes, ASHR. I digress for a short discussion of file attributes. The (A)rchive attribute is used by backup programs to determine if the file has changed since the last backup. If the archive bit is set, then the backup program knows the file was modified since the last back up. The back up program will turn off the archive attribute after it back's up the file. DOS turns on this bit every time it modifies an existing file or creates a new one. The (S)ystem attribute is reserved for special files used by your operating system. You will find at least two system files in the root directory of your hard drive. Do NOT mess around with these files unless you know exactly what you are doing! The (H)idden attribute makes the file invisible to the normal directory commands. The DOS directory command, DIR, and most normal applications do not display files that have their hidden attribute set. However, this is not a great method to keep prying eyes out of your important stuff as Dirman and most other file management utilities have no problem seeing these files. Even though DOS and many other programs cannot see hidden files they are normal in every other respect. The (R)ead only attribute is probably the most useful one for the average user. When the (R)ead only attribute is set, the file can not be erased or modified by any application. The file can be used by any program that needs to get information, but the operating system will refuse to allow changes. Normally it is best to set this attribute on files which rarely or never are changed. A good example might be the COMMAND.COM file in your root directory. A bad example might be the data file for your personal contact manager database. OK, we are finished the mini ATTRIB tutorial. Did you learn anything? I hope this helped, now back to Dirman. File selection is accomplished by using the UP and DOWN arrow keys to move the highlighted bar. You can also navigate through the file list using other cursor positioning keys. PGUP and PGDN move the file list to the previous or next screen full of files. HOME and END move the cursor to the first and last file in the directory. CTRL HOME and CTRL END key combinations position the cursor to the top or bottom file on the current page. Move the highlighted bar to the file or sub directory of your choice, and then select an action by typing the indicated key from the menu on the right. Use the to tag a group of files that you want to perform some action on, then select that action by typing the indicated key. Dirman Commands (C)opy will make a new copy of the currently highlighted file or a group of tagged files to any location you specify. The original file(s) remain unchanged. This is also the command to use if you want to print a plain text file. Enter the printer port (LPT1, LPT2, etc.) instead of a filename in the dialog, and your printer will erupt in a cacophony of action. Dirman will even supply a form feed at the end of each job to kick out your final page. In this manner you can tag multiple files using the and print them all with one command. (D)elete will erase the currently highlighted file, sub directory, or group of tagged files. If you attempt to delete a sub directory that is not empty, or a file that is Read only, the command will fail, and your nose will start to run. The delete command always asks for a confirmation before proceeding. Now is a good time to go back and re- read the Legal Dogma section. (M)ove will move the currently highlighted file or a group of tagged files to any location you specify. The original files are GONE. This command is the equivalent to the copy command followed by the delete command, but is many times faster. This command works only when the source and destination are on the same drive. It is not permitted to move files from the C: drive to the A: drive with this command. If you want to move files from one drive to another, use the (C)opy and then (D)elete commands. (A)ttribute allows you to change the attribute for the currently highlighted file or a group of tagged files. A dialog box will pop up allowing you to use the left and right cursor keys to select the attribute you want to change. Typing the first letter of the attribute (Archive, System, Hidden, or Read only) in the position indicated by the dialog, will set that specific attribute. Placing any other character in the position indicated by the dialog turns off the attribute. (R)ename allows you to change the name of the currently highlighted file. The ma(K)e a new directory command allows you to create a new sub directory. Type any legal name it the dialog, and a new sub directory is created in the current directory. A new sub directory can be created anywhere you want by typing a fully qualified pathname in the dialog. For example, C:\TEMP\CAT will create a new sub directory CAT in the sub directory TEMP that is one level down from the root directory of the C: drive. Only one new sub directory level can be created at a time. If the TEMP sub directory does not exist, the command will fail, and your mother in law will show up at your door within 2 days looking for a place to stay. Change (S)ort order allows you to change the order of the displayed files. The default is to display files in alphabetical order by Filename. You can also display files in alphabetical order by file Extension, or oldest to most current Date, or smallest to largest Size. A dialog box asks you to type the first letter (File, Extension, Date, Size) for the ordering you desire. The sorting order chosen will stay in effect for the remainder of the session. An option to display the directory Unsorted (in natural order) has been added to the registered version. You can change the (F)ilespec pattern from *.* (the default), which displays all files, to something that displays a subset of the files in the current directory. For example if you select *.DOC in the dialog, the file list will display only files whose extension ends with .DOC. The filespec pattern has no effect on the display of sub directories. Use this command when you need to work in a subdirectory that exceeds 100 file limit in the unregistered version. All sub directories are displayed regardless of the filespec pattern. The filespec pattern will stay in effect for the remainder of the session. Type dri(V)e when you want to work with the files on a different drive. You type the letter for the drive you want to work with and you are logged on to the new drive. Use this method to navigate through all of the drives available to your system, including networked drives, removable hard drives, CD ROM's, floppies, etc. Use the (*) key to re-read the files from the current directory. This command is only necessary when you are working in a multitasking environment like, Windows, OS/2, Desqview, or on networked drives. With these operating systems, other programs or processes can make changes after Dirman has read the directory. You need not use this command when Dirman is making the changes. Use the to tag or untag the currently highlighted file. The works like a toggle, tagging an untagged file and vice versa. In this manner it is possible to perform an action on an entire group of files using a single command. Only the Copy, Delete, Move, and Attribute commands can work on a group of tagged files. All other commands ignore the tags and work only on the currently highlighted file. is a dual purpose command. If the highlight bar is on a sub directory when you press , Dirman will change the directory to the one under the highlighted bar and display all of the files in that directory. In this manner it is possible to traverse through the entire directory structure of the current drive. When the highlight bar is on a file and you hit , Dirman will open the file and allow you to browse through its contents using Viewman, the file viewing module. (Hold down the ALT key and push "C") is an advanced command that is available in the registered version. It allows you to jump directly to any directory on the currently logged drive by entering its fully qualified pathname in the dialog. This command can save much cursoring around if you know exactly where you want to go. The command assumes that you will enter a pathname as an offset from the root directory of the current drive. For example the commands C:\TELECOM\DNLOAD and TELECOM\DOWNLOAD will have the same result. You can not log on to a different drive with this command you must use the dri(V)e command. View (Z)ip contents command allows you to see which files are included in a ZIP file. Highlight the ZIP file you are interested in and hit the (Z) key. A list of files included in that ZIP file with information about each file is displayed in Viewman the file browsing module. ZIP files are the defacto standard for archiving and reducing the size of files for transmission by modem or floppy from one computer to another. Files stored in this format must be expanded before they can be used . The program used to expand ZIP files is PKUNZIP. In order for Dirman/Viewman to show the contents of a ZIP file, you must have a copy of PKUNZIP on your computer, and it must be in a directory that is in your PATH. PKZIP/UNZIP are available as shareware and are probably available from the same source as the one you used to get this program. This is an advanced command that is available in the registered version. Hitting either the or (?) key bring up a one page help screen. This serves to remind you of the functions available and which keys access them. ends Dirman and drops you back to exactly where you were before the program began. If you want to exit in the directory you are currently viewing (perhaps to run an executable file in that directory), use the (Q)uit key. V I E W M A N If you positioned the highlight bar on the file "README.TXT" in the "DOS" sub directory of your "C:" drive and hit the key, you will see a screen something like this: ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» VIEWMAN V1.00u (c) Ron Weiner July 1993 ù C:\DOS\README.TXT README.TXT NOTES ON MS-DOS 6.2 =================== This file provides important information not included in the MICROSOFT MS-DOS 6 USER'S GUIDE or in MS-DOS Help. This file is divided into the following major sections: 1. Setup 2. MemMaker, EMM386, and Memory Management 3. Windows 4. Hardware Compatibility with MS-DOS 6.2 5. Microsoft Programs 6. Third-Party Programs 7. DoubleSpace If the subject you need information about doesn't appear in this file, you might find it in one of the following text files included with MS-DOS: * NETWORKS.TXT, which describes how to update your network software Line 1 + 0 ù ùùùù PgUp PgDn Home End F1 help (h)ex (r)uler (T)ab (w)rap ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ The top and bottom line on the display provide information about the file you are viewing and are more or less static. The top line shows the name of the file you are viewing. The bottom line provides the bulk of the information you are likely to use when viewing files. Starting from the left, the Line number is based on the file position of the line displayed at the top of the screen. The "+" number is the offset in characters from the first character of each line. This is useful when displaying files whose logical record length is longer than the width of your screen. There are four indicators on the bottom line that indicate the state of the (H)ex display, (R)uler display, (T)ab expansion, and (W)rap long lines. If the first letter is capitalized, then the toggle state is true. The default settings are (h)ex off, (r)uler off, (T)ab on, and (w)rap off. All of the lines between the top and bottom line are the contents (Data) of the file. Viewman is a file VIEWER, and therefore provides NO facility for modifying files. The easiest way to understand how Viewman works is to visualize your monitor screen as a view port lying over top the file. The standard cursor keys control the movement of this view port allowing you to position it anywhere you want over the file. The UP and DOWN arrows move the screen up or down one line. PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN move the screen one page backwards or forwards. The RIGHT and LEFT arrows move the screen right or left ten characters at a time. CTRL RIGHT and CTRL LEFT move the screen to the right most or the 0th column. The HOME and END keys move the screen to the beginning or end of the file. Viewman Commands The (H)ex dump display command is a toggle which when toggled ON displays 16 bytes of the file on each line. The display format is similar to the one used by the Dump command in Debug. Here is an example of the screen format: ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» VIEWMAN V1.00u (c) Ron Weiner July 1993 ù C:\DOS\README.TXT 000000 52 45 41 44 4D 45 2E 54 - 58 54 0D 0A 0D 0A 4E 4F README.TXT....NO 000010 54 45 53 20 4F 4E 20 4D - 53 2D 44 4F 53 20 36 2E TES ON MS-DOS 6. 000020 32 0D 0A 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D - 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 2..============= 000030 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 0D 0A - 0D 0A 54 68 69 73 20 66 ======....This f 000040 69 6C 65 20 70 72 6F 76 - 69 64 65 73 20 69 6D 70 ile provides imp 000050 6F 72 74 61 6E 74 20 69 - 6E 66 6F 72 6D 61 74 69 ortant informati 000060 6F 6E 20 6E 6F 74 20 69 - 6E 63 6C 75 64 65 64 20 on not included ........................... ..................... ............... Line 1 + 0 ù ùùùù PgUp PgDn Home End F1 help (H)ex (r)uler (T)ab (w)rap ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ OFFSET FIRST 8 BYTES IN HEX SECOND 8 BYTES IN HEX 16 BYTES IN ASCII This display mode is most suitable for displaying files that contain mostly binary data and little text. If this format looks foreign to you don't worry you'll probably never have to use it. The LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys are inoperative when (H)ex is on. This command always resets the display to the head of the file. The (R)uler toggle flips the top file name line of the display into a character based ruler which when in text display mode looks like this: ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ÂÂÂÂÅÂÂÂ10ÂÂÂÂÅÂÂÂ20ÂÂÂÂÅÂÂÂ30ÂÂÂÂÅÂÂÂ40ÂÂÂÂÅÂÂÂ50ÂÂÂÂÅÂÂÂ60ÂÂÂÂÅÂÂÂ70ÂÂÂÂÅ ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ When you are in the Hex display mode the ruler will look like this: ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» Offset 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 0123456789ABCDEF ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ The ruler comes in especially handy for easily determining the length of logical records. The (T)ab expansion toggle causes Viewman to insert spaces in the line. The default tab interval is eight spaces that are set at columns 1, 9, 17, 25, etc. When the (T)ab is toggled off, tabs are displayed as graphic characters and spaces are not inserted in the line. Most text files display best when the (T)ab toggle is ON. The tab (I)nterval command is available in the registered version. It allows you to specify how much white space should separate tabs. You may enter any value between 2 and 80 in the dialog. This command comes in handy when trying to line up columns in tab delimited files. Set the tab interval to the length of the longest field in a record, and abracadabra everything is lined up. The (W)rap toggle controls whether long lines are broken at the edge of the display. Normally, Viewman displays each logical record in the file on one line of the display. A logical record ends in either a carriage return or a line feed. Viewman can handle logical records up to 1024 characters in length. If you want to see the entire file without having to scroll the display right and left, use this command. When (W)rap is ON, logical record lengths are truncated based on the number of characters (normally 80) your video hardware is displaying. When the (W)rap toggle is on, the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys are inoperative. This command always resets the display to the head of the file. The (S)tart block command marks the top line on the display as the start of a block. This command when used in conjunction with the (E)nd block command make it possible to extract data from the file without having to copy the whole file. When a block is fully defined, the display changes color to show where the block starts and stops. The (E)nd block command marks the bottom line on the display as the end of a block. If the start block marker in not defined, (E)nd block will define the start block marker as the first line in the file. The bottom line of the display will be the end block marker. Use the (P)rint command to send a marked block to the printer. This command is useful if you need hard copy for just a small piece of a large file. Viewman sends a form feed at the conclusion of each print command to kick out your last page. The output of this command is much the same as you see on the screen. For instance if you have hex mode toggled on the output will go to the printer in hex format. Viewman filters out characters that make printers go bonkers and replaces them with (.) dots. If you are browsing in text mode and the (W)rap is off, the printed output will contain the data from columns 1 through 80 only. The command allows you to specify a different device as the target of the (P)rint command. This is an advanced command that is available in the registered version. You may enter the name of any printer attached to your system, or if you wish can direct the output to a file by supplying a file name in the dialog. When the target of the print command is a file, each print job is appended to the end of the file and the form feed is omitted. Use the (C)opy command to copy a marked block to the Windows clipboard. Obviously if you are not running Windows, this command will fail, and your mouse will begin to squeak loudly. I have found this command to be most useful, especially when I need to extract text from a file for inclusion to a report or Email correspondence. This command like the (P)rint command also filters out characters which Windows doesn't seem to care for and are replaces them with (.) dots. The (D)ump command is an advanced command that is available in the registered version, and is similar to the (P)rint and (C)opy commands but its' output is NOT filtered. Everything from the start to the end of block is sent to wherever you specify in raw form. This command could cause your printer to do horrid things with typefaces and paper. When the output of the (D)ump command is directed to a file it overwrites the existing file if any. (U)ndo marked block. This command undefines a marked block. (F)ind text allows you search for a string of characters in the file you are viewing. Searches are case insensitive and proceed from the current record (top line of the screen) towards the end of the file. You are prompted to enter the text to be used in the search. If the search is successful, the record in which the text was found is highlighted and positioned on the second from the top line of the display. In the registered version the found text is also emphasized on the highlighted line. If the search was unsuccessful, the left hand bottom line on the screen will blink ** Not Found **, and the screen is positioned at the end of the file. The e(X)act find command is identical to the (F)ind command but searches for a case sensitive exact match. This command is available in the registered version. The (F3) key (FIND AGAIN) is used to search for the next occurrence of the text found in the previous successful search. In this manner it is easy to find each occurrence of the string HOT DOG in a file by hitting (F)ind typing HOT DOG and hitting . Then hit the (F3) key as often as necessary to locate the instance of HOT DOG that you want. The and commands allow for automatic scrolling of the screen up or down without having to press any keys. Once the command is initiated the screen will scroll either Down or Up at a predetermined rate until a key other than the (+) plus or (-) minus is struck. The default scroll rate is approximately 60 lines per minute. You adjust the rate of scroll by hitting the + or - keys while the screen is scrolling. You will see a colored bar indicating the relative scroll speed on the left hand bottom line of the display. The scroll rate can be varied from about 40 Lines per minute up to 1100 LPM. The command is a toggle that displays CR/LF (carriage return / line feed) pairs on the screen. These characters are undisplayable in the text mode of the unregistered version. This command is available in the registered version. The default is not to display CR/LF's. or (?) keys bring up a one page help screen. This serves to remind you of the functions available and the keys that access them. ends Viewman and drops you back to Dirman in exactly the same position where you were before you hit the key. O T H E R C O O L S T U F F Dirman is designed to work with color displays which are at least 80 characters wide by 25 lines high. I have done limited testing with Monochrome displays, and all seems to work OK, but due to the limited choice of colors (2), often times the contrast of highlighted text is hard to read. If you have a utility that changes the width or length of your screen, Dirman will use the additional lines. If you have a VGA video card DOS 5.0 or higher and have ANSI.SYS running in your system, try typing MODE CO80,50 from the DOS prompt. Your screen is now 80 columns wide by 50 lines long. I have successfully tested this program in the following modes' 80x25, 80x43, 80x50, 100x30, 100x60, and 132x44 using an ATI VGA Wonder XL video card. You can browse a file in Viewman directly from the DOS prompt by putting the unambiguous filename on the command line when you start Dirman. For example, "DM C:\DOS\README.TXT" will bypass Dirman and take you directly to Viewman with the file readme.txt ready to peruse. Note: There must be a space between DM and the Filename. Ron Weiner